Greater New York Metropolitan Region Chapter of the Association of Contextual Behavioral Science
Fostering the development and practice of contextual behavioral science to ameliorate human suffering and advance well-being
All who are curious about Contextual Behavioral Science (CBS), Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT), and Relational Frame Theory (RFT) are welcome!
Our Mission.
Beginning with a focus on our organization, and looking more broadly to society at large, NYC-ACBS is a local community of practitioners, scholars, researchers, educators, and others, committed to:
Providing dynamic trainings in ACT, RFT, and related disciplines for our community
Disseminating contextual behavioral science
Respecting and valuing diversity, and creating an environment that is inclusive of all
Eliminating policies and practices that have negative impacts on marginalized and/or vulnerable groups, as defined by members of those groups
Creating and advocating for more equitable and inclusive social policies and practices
What We Offer.
Guest Lectures & Trainings
Social Network Events
Peer-Peer Consultation & Supervision Groups
Out-Sourcing Speakers & Facilitators
Member Benefits
Join a growing and diverse community coming from many psychotherapeutic orientations and professions (psychologists, psychiatrists, mental health counselors, social workers, educators, researchers & academics), who are committed to building a scientific, collegial, open, non-discriminatory, and mutually supportive contextual based science community.
Get local exposure through the marketing of your name and practice through our social media outlets and network with peers at NYC-ACBS’s social events and virtual community.
Receive discounts for major and minor CBS-related training events and local ACT Study-Practice Groups.
Get notified of all upcoming local CBS and ACT lectures and receive access to the local CBS community (listserv, instagram, facebook, linkedin)
Upcoming events.

“Get out of your mind and into your life.”
— Steven C. Hayes