Become a Member Today
Step 1: Join ACBS International
All local chapter members must also be full members of ACBS international. The cost of a Professional Membership is a suggested $70, whilst a Student/Affiliate Membership is a suggested $35. Dues are value-based and have a minimum of $13.
Step 2: Join NYC ACBS
After joining ACBS International, or if you already are a full member, you can fill out a form to join NYC ACBS. NYC ACBS Member fees are strictly donation & value-based, not required for membership.
Member Benefits
Member Benefits 〰️
ACBS International
Full access to the website and premium content (eg. Audio, Video, Publications, Teaching Materials, and Assessment Measures)
Access to the ACT & RFT Listservs (for professionals and students only)
Access to JCBS (Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science), for practitioners and researchers
Your profile listed in the ACT Therapist Directory on our site, if you so choose (professional members only)
Contributing privileges to add content to the site (publications, blogs, comments, book pages, training events, etc.)
Voting privileges in ACBS elections
Eligibility to join to any Chapters and Special Interest Groups -- or start your own!
Discounted ACBS World Conference registration
Discounts to major and minor CBS related training events
Discounts to local ACT Study-Practice Group fees
Notification of all local Northeast ACT and CBS events
Local Networking - marketing of your name and practice, contact information on our website
Local Networking via NYC-ACBS social events and virtual community
Access to virtual CBS community (Listervs, Facebook group, Instagram, LinkedIn)
Eligibility for NYC-ACBS board nominations
Participation in contributing to the growth of CBS nationally by being involved locally
Scholarship Funds & Stipends for Students & Post-docs