Interested in applying for a position with NYC-ACBS?
Current Open Positions for January 2024
4-year commitment
Serves as President-Elect for one year, completes a two-year term as President, and serves as Past President for one year. Duties include shaping organization mission and vision, arranging monthly meetings of the board, and serving as liaison with international ACBS. (Nominees for this role must be current or past members of the NYC ACBS Board.)
2-year commitment
Maintains and posts regular minutes of chapter board meetings, maintains chapter documents, updates primary databases and websites as needed. Previous board experience needed.
2-year commitment
Manages chapter’s finances, tracks income and expenditures, coordinates reimbursements and payments as needed, provides annual financial reporting to international ACBS. Previous board experience needed.
2 year commitment
Contributes to organization programs and goals, including expanding membership; should have a strong background in basic science relevant to CBS.
1-year commitment
Serves as primary liaison between the board and student members; encourages student involvement in ACBS; and facilitates professional development opportunities for students.
Please submit your nomination by e-mail, indicating the position being sought and a brief description of the nominee's experience with acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), relational frame theory (RFT), or another aspect of contextual behavioral science (CBS). If you are self-nominating or nominating someone else, please explain either why you would like to serve on the board or why you would like to see the person you have nominated serve.
Given our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, NYC ACBS encourages nominations of individuals from minoritized racial/ethnic communities; LGBT, non-binary, and gender-nonconforming individuals; individuals with disabilities; and members of other underrepresented groups. If you are from a minority background and have an interest in contributing to the NYC-ACBS community, we encourage you to apply as the diversity of our members and the perspectives they bring helps to strengthen our community.
Please feel free to nominate yourself or another person. If you are nominating someone else, please do not submit the nomination until you have confirmed that the person whom you are nominating would like to serve. Note that all nominees must be current members of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS).
All board positions involve attendance at monthly board meetings (by dial-in or videoconference) and participating in board-level decision-making and management processes for the organization. Candidates should have a strong background and interest in ACT/RFT/CBS, as well as the skills required to fulfill a managerial or administrative role in a professional association. The student representative must be enrolled in a graduate training program in a CBS- related discipline.